Cbnloo5: My dolls as of June 2013
Cbnloo5: My gang.
Cbnloo5: Who would you adopt?
Cbnloo5: Same place, different girls
Cbnloo5: 2011
Cbnloo5: Ella!
Cbnloo5: Merryweather
Cbnloo5: My Collection. A mix of dolls and faceplates
Cbnloo5: The other wonderful faces in the house!
Cbnloo5: my little pink gang
Cbnloo5: DSC_0444
Cbnloo5: Baby Eva hasn't been in any pictures in forever!
Cbnloo5: <3 they are perfect dolls to me
Cbnloo5: No matter who comes and goes here, the Littlefees are so special to me.
Cbnloo5: 4 of my little ones. Teddy, Louie, Henry and Aurora
Cbnloo5: Spampy addicts!
Cbnloo5: Good morning!
Cbnloo5: I guess you can tell I love sleeping faces. :) The top row LTF faces are custom faceups.