Byghan: Chital Spotted deer
Byghan: Chital Spotted Deer
Byghan: Asiatic lioness
Byghan: Langaur monkey
Byghan: Langaur, mother and baby
Byghan: Changeable hawk eagle
Byghan: Collared Scoops Owl
Byghan: Oriental Scoops Owl
Byghan: King or Red Headed Vulture
Byghan: Crested serpent eagle
Byghan: Golden Jackal
Byghan: Another Asiatic lion
Byghan: Young male Asiatic lion relaxing.
Byghan: Young male Asiatic lion, alert
Byghan: Young male Asiatic lion
Byghan: Indian Spotted Eagle
Byghan: Chinkara on the run
Byghan: Wild asses
Byghan: Indian Short eared owl
Byghan: Indian wild asses
Byghan: Hyena by torchlight
Byghan: Leopard, hiding
Byghan: Leopard on the move
Byghan: About to jump
Byghan: Leopard about to jump
Byghan: My extendable neck