madpat2011: DSC_trolley Line up
madpat2011: DSC_trio of trolley buses
madpat2011: DSC_Illinois terminal 101 IRM
madpat2011: DSC_CA&E 319
madpat2011: DSC_3142 departing barn #9 IRM
madpat2011: DSC_ 3142 at the crossing IRM
madpat2011: DSC_buy war bonds
madpat2011: DSC_ csl #1374 on trolley loop
madpat2011: DSC_ trolley buses in a row at IRM
madpat2011: DSC_chicago aurora and elgin #431
madpat2011: DSC_4000 series CTA at east union depot
madpat2011: DSC_CTA #3142 stoping at central ave on trolley looppsd
madpat2011: DSC_hoffman trolley bus burn psd
madpat2011: DSC_green hornet at electric park
madpat2011: DSC_car 4021
madpat2011: DSC_4000 series L car loading at depot I.R.M
madpat2011: DSC_wooden L car at east union depot
madpat2011: DSC_electroliner
madpat2011: DSC_5-50 cta#22
madpat2011: DSC_blue goose-skokie swift
madpat2011: DSC_skokie swift-blue goose in burn 7
madpat2011: DSC_Aurora and elgin #309 at East Union depot
madpat2011: DSC_trolley bus turn around irm electric avenue
madpat2011: DSC_irm streetcar 3142
madpat2011: DSC_northshore #714
madpat2011: DSC_aurora and Elgin #308
madpat2011: DSC_csl bus3407 IRM
madpat2011: DSC_skokie swift
madpat2011: DSC_springfield ave boarding car #141 IRM