s_o_u_r_a_v: Pokhara City Panorama
Hermit.: DSCF7455
Amazing Bangladesh ( Prithul ): I wish one day I will walk with you on the colorful tiny street and will show you color of life
Fahad B. Sakhawat: Innocence Captured
Sakia Salam: Blindside...
Hermit.: DSCF6739
AvikBangalee: My Mind is on a Vacation and My Mouth is Working Overtime
Amazing Bangladesh ( Prithul ): Land of thundering dragon
Hermit.: Fatherhood #nikon #50mm #dhaka #bnw #blacknwhite
mouk6114: টাকা মাটি, মাটি টাকা
AvikBangalee: The Last Embrace
Nayan Kar: black smith
Amazing Bangladesh ( Prithul ): Thimphu - A city of generosity & tranquility
damien_thorne: Dejavu
Zissan Alam: b r i d e . . . .
Amazing Bangladesh ( Prithul ): A praying soul can make our nature more beautiful
_MattGranger: Do you have all your cameras and lenses calibrated?? This will help: bit.ly/sharpfocus Time to calibrate the @sonyaustralia A7II and 70-200 f4 with #datacolor Lenscal, before testing the lens