Karole Amooty: Two Plugs
Karole Amooty: Sketchbook Page
Karole Amooty: Coke and Fag
Karole Amooty: Blind Drawing
Karole Amooty: conceptopeningscene02
Karole Amooty: Receipt Drawing
Karole Amooty: guidetotireboat
Karole Amooty: teacher
Karole Amooty: Faces in yellow boxes
Karole Amooty: Teacher
Karole Amooty: Girl looking around door
Karole Amooty: tumblr_lgb9kvAtoq1qf17nmo1_1280
Karole Amooty: tWhat happened to pete and Tinker
Karole Amooty: Penguins
Karole Amooty: Old Woman
Karole Amooty: Two Men