BoomerangJ: 349-1 on the trailer
BoomerangJ: shop cockpit
BoomerangJ: shop bow
BoomerangJ: shop port bow
BoomerangJ: shop cabin
BoomerangJ: shop hull
BoomerangJ: shop boat top view
BoomerangJ: shop cockpit raptor deck
BoomerangJ: shop close up raptor
BoomerangJ: shop keel hull
BoomerangJ: shop hull from the stern
BoomerangJ: shop CLOSE up of cockppit
BoomerangJ: shop stern
BoomerangJ: shop shiny hull
BoomerangJ: Hull 349 cockpit
BoomerangJ: Hull 349 shrouds with keepers
BoomerangJ: Hull 349 From the stern
BoomerangJ: Hull 349 Traveler