The Art of KGM: Hostile Skies (paperback cover)
The Art of KGM: A Dead Singer (paperback cover)
The Art of KGM: The Vortex Blasters (original sized artwork)
The Art of KGM: The Vortex Blasters (paperback cover)
The Art of KGM: Pan Book of Horror (original artwork)
The Art of KGM: Pan Book of Horror (paperback cover)
The Art of KGM: Standing Stone (album cover)
The Art of KGM: Standing Stone (album cover)
The Art of KGM: Standing Stone (dvd cover)
The Art of KGM: Tropic of Cancer (bookcover)
The Art of KGM: Tropic of Capricorn (bookcover)
The Art of KGM: Wilhelm Reich Penguin Modern Classics
The Art of KGM: R D Laing Pelican Books
The Art of KGM: Outdoor Miner (original)
The Art of KGM: Outdoor Miner (picture sleeve cover)
The Art of KGM: Marooned (original)
The Art of KGM: Marooned (picture sleeve cover)
The Art of KGM: Atomkinesis (Tomita LP cover)
The Art of KGM: Final Conflict?
The Art of KGM: Jimi Hendrix - Rainbow Bridge
The Art of KGM: Carter's Bold Mission (Time Magazine)
The Art of KGM: Colman's Mustard Hot Stuff! (poster advert)
The Art of KGM: Space Dust (poster advert)
The Art of KGM: Brasso (magazine advertising poster)
The Art of KGM: The Fruit of the Spirit
The Art of KGM: Watercolour Study of Sheep Skull
The Art of KGM: A Walk in Constable Country
The Art of KGM: This Flyer - Jimi Hendrix at Woodstock
The Art of KGM: Tangerine Dream - Zeit (LP/album double cover)
The Art of KGM: Second Wave (CD cover)