L.G.J: Me and Cesar
L.G.J: A foot of fresh snow
L.G.J: Shadows
L.G.J: The Blue hour
L.G.J: The glass obelisque at Sergels torg, Stockholm, Sweden
L.G.J: Mother's 85th birthday
L.G.J: Moving stairway at the mall
L.G.J: guess what
L.G.J: Town sculpture
L.G.J: Under the bridge
L.G.J: Snow shovelling again
L.G.J: The weekend cottage
L.G.J: Melted snowgrains on the windshield
L.G.J: Mmmmmm... mackerel
L.G.J: The functionalistic house, Stockholm
L.G.J: My wife and Titus
L.G.J: Snow shovelling on a higher level
L.G.J: Outside the Eastman Institute, Stockholm
L.G.J: Bicycle stand
L.G.J: Garden lights
L.G.J: The cats on their way to the vet
L.G.J: Tomatoes
L.G.J: Cesar
L.G.J: Skating on lake Edsviken
L.G.J: Under a bridge at night
L.G.J: Rear side of the parliament building, Stockholm, Sweden
L.G.J: My old teddy bears
L.G.J: Optimistic snowdrops
L.G.J: Cut-glass chandelier from below
L.G.J: Diving forbidden