Heaven`s Gate (John): The lookout - Fitzroy
Heaven`s Gate (John): A warm welcome
Heaven`s Gate (John): Welcome to the Falklands
Heaven`s Gate (John): Falkland wings
Heaven`s Gate (John): Any colour as long as its yellow
Heaven`s Gate (John): Stanley Cathedral and whale bones
Heaven`s Gate (John): Bluff Cove - A Tribute.....
Heaven`s Gate (John): Heart of gold
Heaven`s Gate (John): Do you come here often ?
Heaven`s Gate (John): Penguins and Albatross Colony
Heaven`s Gate (John): Black-browed Albatross in Falklands
Heaven`s Gate (John): Lonely looking sky
Heaven`s Gate (John): Falklands - Baby Penguin
Heaven`s Gate (John): Rockhopper feathers
Heaven`s Gate (John): Falklands - Albatross and egg
Heaven`s Gate (John): The Falklands Catholic Cathedral
Heaven`s Gate (John): The Falklands Remembered
Heaven`s Gate (John): Welcome to the Falklands
Heaven`s Gate (John): Falklands War, In Memory
Heaven`s Gate (John): Falklands War, Welsh Guards Memorial
Heaven`s Gate (John): Falklands War, Memorial
Heaven`s Gate (John): Falklands War, 30th Anniversary