Heaven`s Gate (John):
The Big Apple
Heaven`s Gate (John):
Chrysler pinnacle - New York City
Heaven`s Gate (John):
Liberty Flame
Heaven`s Gate (John):
Liberty on the 4th of July
Heaven`s Gate (John):
Flame of Liberty
Heaven`s Gate (John):
Reach for the sky
Heaven`s Gate (John):
Jewel in the crown - Chrysler Building
Heaven`s Gate (John):
New York New York
Heaven`s Gate (John):
Liberty at sunset
Heaven`s Gate (John):
MOMA - Spiral Chairs
Heaven`s Gate (John):
Blade Runner
Heaven`s Gate (John):
The Times they are a-changing
Heaven`s Gate (John):
Times Square in the wet
Heaven`s Gate (John):
Street vendor
Heaven`s Gate (John):
Coca cola - Neon
Heaven`s Gate (John):
Heaven`s Gate (John):
Atrium Launch Pad
Heaven`s Gate (John):
Marriott Hotel - New York Atrium
Heaven`s Gate (John):
Up or down ?
Heaven`s Gate (John):
Grand Central
Heaven`s Gate (John):
Central Time
Heaven`s Gate (John):
Shadows at the MET
Heaven`s Gate (John):
Heart breaking Art
Heaven`s Gate (John):
Yellow Dog
Heaven`s Gate (John):
Wagging the dog
Heaven`s Gate (John):
A Tall Tail
Heaven`s Gate (John):
Twin Peaks
Heaven`s Gate (John):
Roses IS red !
Heaven`s Gate (John):
Reflected Light
Heaven`s Gate (John):
Guess Who ?