Heaven`s Gate (John):
Clouds and Circles
Heaven`s Gate (John):
Slipped Disc
Heaven`s Gate (John):
Black and White Discs
Heaven`s Gate (John):
Silver Disc
Heaven`s Gate (John):
ever decreasing circles
Heaven`s Gate (John):
Square Circles
Heaven`s Gate (John):
Silver Perspective
Heaven`s Gate (John):
Jan Kaplicky Tribute
Heaven`s Gate (John):
Circles and Lines
Heaven`s Gate (John):
Over the edge
Heaven`s Gate (John):
A new perspective
Heaven`s Gate (John):
Heaven`s Gate (John):
Things to come
Heaven`s Gate (John):
Around the bend
Heaven`s Gate (John):
The spaceship has landed
Heaven`s Gate (John):
Umbilical cord
Heaven`s Gate (John):
A moment in time
Heaven`s Gate (John):
Lines and Circles
Heaven`s Gate (John):
Disc o Tech
Heaven`s Gate (John):
Disc perspective
Heaven`s Gate (John):
Silver Smarties
Heaven`s Gate (John):
Little and Large
Heaven`s Gate (John):
Ever decreasing circles
Heaven`s Gate (John):
Silver and Blue
Heaven`s Gate (John):
Over the hill
Heaven`s Gate (John):
Selfridges Curves
Heaven`s Gate (John):
Shadows and curves
Heaven`s Gate (John):
Metallic Disc
Heaven`s Gate (John):
Saint Martins and Selfridges
Heaven`s Gate (John):
Architecture and the Man