Jubba on Jeans: Firenze - seen from the bell tower
Jubba on Jeans: A day in the life of Firenze
Jubba on Jeans: View from the balcony - Verenna
Jubba on Jeans: Typical house in Burano
Jubba on Jeans: Iron Maiden and Carousel - Best combination ever!
Jubba on Jeans: I come to shoot Ceaser (with a camera), not praise him
Jubba on Jeans: Fiat Firenze
Jubba on Jeans: Duomo at dusk
Jubba on Jeans: Creepy Dolphins outside the Pantheon
Jubba on Jeans: Varenna from the hotel
Jubba on Jeans: Fresh flowers and a bored owner - Rome
Jubba on Jeans: The Lake side town of Varenna
Jubba on Jeans: Sunset through the arch - Varenna
Jubba on Jeans: Statues on the exterior of the Milan Cathedral
Jubba on Jeans: St. Peter's Square
Jubba on Jeans: Our favorite bread in Rome (Il Fornaio)
Jubba on Jeans: Glass factory in Murano
Jubba on Jeans: Pooja staring into the dolphin fountain
Jubba on Jeans: St. Peter's Bassilica