G H Photography:
Albury in the Rain
G H Photography:
The first photo out of my home made medium format 6x17 film camera. Photo of a vineyard overlooking the lower Molonglo Valley
G H Photography:
Lake Hume Clouds
G H Photography:
Bethanga Bridge
G H Photography:
Mossy quartz on the Black Range
G H Photography:
The Gold Room
G H Photography:
Darling Harbour triptych
G H Photography:
Misty River
G H Photography:
Falls Creek
G H Photography:
G H Photography:
Huon Road
G H Photography:
Old Customs House
G H Photography:
G H Photography:
Mount Buffalo Horn Hut
G H Photography:
In the shearing shed III
G H Photography:
G H Photography:
Baranduda Range smoke
G H Photography:
Waterworks Rd Gum
G H Photography:
Smoke over Baranduda Range
G H Photography:
Mamiya 645 Super, Ektar 100
G H Photography:
Mamiya 645 Super, Ektar 100