Susan.Louise: sandpipers
Susan.Louise: sandpiper
Susan.Louise: diving Pelican
Susan.Louise: three Pelicans aloft
Susan.Louise: diving Brown Pelican
Susan.Louise: Pelican take-off
Susan.Louise: B&W Brown Pelican
Susan.Louise: Pelican afloat
Susan.Louise: Blue Heron Tapestry
Susan.Louise: my best side
Susan.Louise: strolling down the avenue looking for a beret
Susan.Louise: cormorants at dusk .. looking this way and that
Susan.Louise: Egret posing in natural habitat
Susan.Louise: pretending to be a swan
Susan.Louise: Cormorants .. saved for the pose of the black one
Susan.Louise: Cormorant air-drying his wings
Susan.Louise: Cormorant laughing