Bennydorm: Blackpool Tower.
Bennydorm: The Evening Sky at Blackpool.
Bennydorm: Blackpool Tower by night.
Bennydorm: Pharos Lighthouse in Fleetwood situated in an urban setting, is 93ft high and was completed in 1840.
Bennydorm: The Lower Lighthouse in Fleetwood designed in 1840 its beam can be seen for 9 miles.
Bennydorm: “Come back in the morning”
Bennydorm: ‘Swaying Tulips’. Sculptures on Blackpool seafront.
Bennydorm: Shadows on the Seafront.
Bennydorm: Blackpool Tower.
Bennydorm: North Euston Hotel in Fleetwood.
Bennydorm: View out towards the Irish Sea from Blackpool seafront.
Bennydorm: Side by Side.
Bennydorm: Modern Blackpool Tram and 19th century Tower in background.
Bennydorm: Urban shadows.
Bennydorm: Blue pillar box at top of Blackpool Tower.
Bennydorm: Looking down through the glass floor at top of Blackpool Tower which is over 500ft high. What a view!
Bennydorm: Urban image.
Bennydorm: Looking along North Pier Blackpool.
Bennydorm: View of the sea from top of Blackpool Tower.
Bennydorm: Urban image.
Bennydorm: View of the Borough from top of Blackpool Tower.
Bennydorm: Urban image.
Bennydorm: Blackpool Tower and Illuminations.
Bennydorm: War Memorial at Blackpool erected in 1923.
Bennydorm: 1914-1918 Will never forget. Blackpool remembers in this centenary year.