Just1ofBillions: They say an apple a day...
Just1ofBillions: A good cup of tea is all you need
Just1ofBillions: You've been given the gift of life today...
Just1ofBillions: Enjoy the simple pleasures of life...
Just1ofBillions: Time to eat!
Just1ofBillions: Black jewels
Just1ofBillions: Polka...
Just1ofBillions: The old and the new
Just1ofBillions: You have the key...
Just1ofBillions: House plants
Just1ofBillions: Money...
Just1ofBillions: #Flickr12Days
Just1ofBillions: Healthy snack!
Just1ofBillions: Shells, shells, and more shells...
Just1ofBillions: Rainbow ice cubes!
Just1ofBillions: Smoothie!
Just1ofBillions: Banana chocolate chip anyone?
Just1ofBillions: Pom wonderful moments in life...
Just1ofBillions: To attain knowledge is an unending process
Just1ofBillions: Fold upon fold, layers in layers
Just1ofBillions: Pound cake muffins
Just1ofBillions: Reasons why I love winter
Just1ofBillions: Studying while sick...
Just1ofBillions: "Happy Makes the World Go Round" mug