tbearmama: Maureen Boogyin'
tbearmama: Manhattan Hotel Suite
tbearmama: It's good to be Queen
tbearmama: Janet & Tom's Christmas Yacht Party
tbearmama: IMG_0010
tbearmama: Marychris inquires about seconds on the beef
tbearmama: Piano Bar
tbearmama: Vamping
tbearmama: why I try not to stand near Marychris for pictures
tbearmama: IMG_0020
tbearmama: Marychris checking out N.Y. Harbor
tbearmama: IMG_0022
tbearmama: IMG_0023
tbearmama: IMG_0024
tbearmama: work out much, MC?
tbearmama: IMG_0026
tbearmama: Maureen, not posing
tbearmama: Gerry, not posing
tbearmama: Smooches
tbearmama: Gerry discovers the open bar
tbearmama: Marychris, apparently proud of herself
tbearmama: IMG_0033
tbearmama: IMG_0034
tbearmama: "I just found a shortcut to the dessert table"
tbearmama: AWWW.....mother and daughter
tbearmama: Janet and Tom, the hosts for the evening
tbearmama: Singing waitress
tbearmama: "first word....sounds like..."
tbearmama: IMG_0043
tbearmama: Maureen instructs her niece on her "Shakira" moves