dshoning: Dickcissel on a Post
dshoning: Everyday Beauty
dshoning: Blue in the VIneyards
dshoning: "Hey, I was here first!"
dshoning: Brown Thrasher with just a morsel
dshoning: Black-headed Grosbeak
dshoning: Just Some Cobwebs and Me
dshoning: Swallow on the Fence
dshoning: Black Phoebe
dshoning: Morning Snack
dshoning: Stay Away!
dshoning: Power Struggle
dshoning: Juvenile
dshoning: Perched at the Golden Hour
dshoning: My Bug is Bigger than Your Bug!
dshoning: American Redstart Female
dshoning: Hanging out in Autumn
dshoning: Is the Water too Cold?
dshoning: Chickadee in the Crabapple Tree
dshoning: Bluebird on the Post
dshoning: Transformations
dshoning: On a Mission
dshoning: Bluebird on a Wire
dshoning: Gone Fishin'
dshoning: Time to Fly South
dshoning: Eastern Kingbird
dshoning: It's Just Me, Babe.
dshoning: Together
dshoning: Swallow on a Wire
dshoning: Bird Bounce