dilling: harvesting
dilling: dahlia
dilling: dahlia
dilling: wishes
dilling: the end
dilling: disco lights
dilling: ghost dog
dilling: railroad ties
dilling: trail guide
dilling: tall grasses
dilling: Eem-er's a fan of Farrah Fawcett
dilling: Lotus
dilling: littleladybug
dilling: green dragonfly
dilling: bee
dilling: shy lady
dilling: flasher
dilling: heart shaped world
dilling: mother of Pearl
dilling: is this a peregrine falcon?
dilling: anyone know?
dilling: so cool.
dilling: an andrew wyeth moment
dilling: another one
dilling: after walks
dilling: cobwebs
dilling: on our way to the prime walking spot
dilling: she knows where we're going
dilling: she get's sleepy lots now
dilling: i love her eyelashes