actebia: Brimstone
actebia: Common Blue Butterfly
actebia: Gatekeeper
actebia: Common Blue
actebia: Six-spot Burnet with Dew
actebia: Small Copper
actebia: Meadow brown with Dew
actebia: Ringlet
actebia: Essex Skipper, Thymelicus lineola
actebia: Small Skipper, Thymelicus sylvestris
actebia: Scarce Copper
actebia: Yellow-legged Tortoiseshell
actebia: Chestnut Heath, Coenonympha glycerion
actebia: Black-veined White
actebia: Lesser Marbled Fritillary
actebia: Scarce fritillary
actebia: Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary
actebia: High Brown Fritillary, Argynnis adippe
actebia: Northern Brown Argus, Aricia artaxerxes
actebia: Heath Fritillary
actebia: Silver -studded Blue
actebia: Female Orange-tip with Dew
actebia: Cranberry Blue
actebia: Pallas's Fritillary
actebia: Small Tortoiseshell
actebia: Female Emperor Moth
actebia: Large Skipper, Ochlodes venata
actebia: Marsh Fritillary
actebia: Marsh Fritillary Underside
actebia: Alpine Heath, Coenonympha gardetta