t_o_m_a_s: "Are those cheeks real?"
t_o_m_a_s: Beach buddies interact, or Tomas reaches out and Gabo plays it cool
t_o_m_a_s: Free range toes and fingers
t_o_m_a_s: Yummy thumb
t_o_m_a_s: Wait, you've got 5 toes too?
t_o_m_a_s: Chapeau Gabo
t_o_m_a_s: When are we going to hit the sand?
t_o_m_a_s: Gabo e Cris
t_o_m_a_s: Tomasito completing 6 months today!
t_o_m_a_s: Hey you, what are the beaches in SP like?