hbw_pics: Natioanl Museum
hbw_pics: Mesolithic fish traps (5300-4730 BC)
hbw_pics: Bann flake in moss haft (4300-3900 BC)
hbw_pics: The Lurgan Longboat
hbw_pics: The Lurgan Longboat
hbw_pics: The Lurgan Longboat unfinished dugout canoe made from a hollowed oak tree (c.2500BC)
hbw_pics: Carved stone heaf (1s-2nd century AD)
hbw_pics: Gold boat from hoard (1st century BC)
hbw_pics: Gold hoard - replica (c.800-700 BC)
hbw_pics: Gold collar (c.800-700 BC)
hbw_pics: Gold collar (c.800-700 BC)
hbw_pics: Gold discs (c.2200-1800 BC)
hbw_pics: Gold lunula (c. 2000 BC)
hbw_pics: Hoard of nine gold beads (c. 800-700 BC)
hbw_pics: Lunch - Petit Cafe as recommended by Eric on the front desk
hbw_pics: Waxed writing tablets (late 6th century AD)
hbw_pics: Fadden More Psalter (c. 800 AD)
hbw_pics: National Museum
hbw_pics: Gallagh Man (c. 400-200 BC)
hbw_pics: Gallagh Man (c. 400-200 BC)
hbw_pics: Bog body (c. 362-175 BC)
hbw_pics: Vikings
hbw_pics: Weights and measures from Viking Dublin
hbw_pics: Viking wooden gaming board
hbw_pics: Viking gaming board
hbw_pics: Viking gaming pieces
hbw_pics: Viking carvings