hbw_pics: Mist rising (Jan 2nd)
hbw_pics: Afternoon moon (Jan 5th)
hbw_pics: Vapour trails in a clear blue sky (Jan 5th)
hbw_pics: Vapour trails in a clear blue sky (Jan 5th)
hbw_pics: Rainy streets - Oxford (Jan 6th)
hbw_pics: Rainy streets - Oxford (Jan 6th)
hbw_pics: Rainy streets - Oxford (Jan 6th)
hbw_pics: Rainy streets - Oxford (Jan 6th)
hbw_pics: Rainy streets - Oxford (Jan 6th)
hbw_pics: Rainy streets - Oxford (Jan 6th)
hbw_pics: Damp, decaying tree stump (Jan 8th)
hbw_pics: Damp, decaying leaves (Jan 8th)
hbw_pics: Patch of blue in a grey sky (Jan 8th)
hbw_pics: Grey clouds (9th Jan)
hbw_pics: Moon (9th Jan)
hbw_pics: Clouds darkening (Jan 10th)
hbw_pics: Clouds (Jan 10th)
hbw_pics: Moon (Jan 11th))
hbw_pics: 2017 01 12 Weather 008
hbw_pics: 2017 01 12 Weather 001
hbw_pics: Frost and ice (Jan 12th)
hbw_pics: Frost and ice (Jan 12th)
hbw_pics: Rain on trees (Jan 13th)
hbw_pics: Rain on trees (Jan 13th)
hbw_pics: Sign of flooding (Jan 17th)
hbw_pics: Sign of flooding (Jan 17th)
hbw_pics: Frosted windscreen (Jan 18th)
hbw_pics: Mackrel sky (Jan 18th)
hbw_pics: Coral sky (Jan 18th)
hbw_pics: DIY micro-climate (Jan 19th)