oh, steph: What we're all really here for....
oh, steph: Crowd
oh, steph: Is that your answer?
oh, steph: Rollin' the Dice
oh, steph: Holy Shit!!!
oh, steph: Hissy Fit
oh, steph: Getting ready to hit the buzzer....
oh, steph: Could it be....
oh, steph: Team Them Confers
oh, steph: Crowd 2
oh, steph: Fantastic Feud
oh, steph: Feud Stances
oh, steph: Does anyone know the correct answer?
oh, steph: Armwrestle to the Death!
oh, steph: Are you crazy?!
oh, steph: Seriously?
oh, steph: Another Point for Team US
oh, steph: Wrong
oh, steph: Point Team US
oh, steph: Victory Dance
oh, steph: Tim gets angry
oh, steph: The Mane
oh, steph: The Fued
oh, steph: Thank you, thank you very much
oh, steph: Team US Confers
oh, steph: Team Them
oh, steph: Is it time for karaoke yet?
oh, steph: Epic Karaoke
oh, steph: Tainted Love