oh, steph: Victoria lubin' up the slip n' slide
oh, steph: back slide
oh, steph: preparation....
oh, steph: ....execution
oh, steph: oh, the wetness
oh, steph: this dog totally wanted in on the action
oh, steph: pile o' bikes
oh, steph: on the knees
oh, steph: i'd tumble for you
oh, steph: double time
oh, steph: Nadia+Savers+Slip 'n' Slide =
oh, steph: ...Happiness!
oh, steph: recipe for disaster
oh, steph: very nice form with broccoli
oh, steph: flying squirrel
oh, steph: adults should not do this
oh, steph: still sliding....
oh, steph: safety first!
oh, steph: the bumper did not stop him
oh, steph: and more....
oh, steph: look at that disgusting water
oh, steph: Late afternoon slidin'
oh, steph: CIMG2318
oh, steph: CIMG2319