Cap'n Bill:
Saturday night potluck dinner
Cap'n Bill:
Saturday night potluck dinner
Cap'n Bill:
Gary Vander Hart & his Night Hawk
Cap'n Bill:
Robert Craig and his Chugger
Cap'n Bill:
Steve & Steve Lewis enjoy a light supper
Cap'n Bill:
Chuck Schweickert, Mississippi Bob Brown, Al Stead
Cap'n Bill:
Seth Miller, Tom Pamperin, Lance Pamperin, Mike Monies
Cap'n Bill:
Roger Schwake at the tiller of his Sun Cat
Cap'n Bill:
Foreground: Pamperins in their Ross Lillistone-designed boat
Cap'n Bill:
Tom Pamperin rows the boat that he and Lance used in the 2013 Everglades Challenge
Cap'n Bill:
Scaffie and SCAMP
Cap'n Bill:
Cap'n Bill:
Jeff Ward rows his Scaffie
Cap'n Bill:
Greg Lindberg propels Arcebus with a yuloh
Cap'n Bill:
A boatload of Pamperins
Cap'n Bill:
Jeff Ward and his Scaffie SKYE PILOT
Cap'n Bill:
Robert Craig patrols in his Chugger
Cap'n Bill:
Mississippi Bob Brown
Cap'n Bill:
Bob Brown's latest design - 15' solo canoe called Mini-Slipper
Cap'n Bill:
Seth & Thomas Miller on the PDR PI-RATE
Cap'n Bill:
Cap'n Bill:
Gary Vander Hart and his Night Hawk
Cap'n Bill:
Cap'n Bill:
Cap'n Bill:
Patriotic sails
Cap'n Bill:
Cap'n Bill:
Paul Breeding's Scamp - FOREVER YOUNG
Cap'n Bill:
Chuck Schweickert and his Featherwind
Cap'n Bill:
Reefed Featherwind
Cap'n Bill:
Sun Cat