kelly ishmael:
bb day 1 - a collage
kelly ishmael:
bb day 1 - a little creative (23/365)
kelly ishmael:
bb day 2 challenge - my edit
kelly ishmael:
bb day 2 - shallow DOF (31/365)
kelly ishmael:
bb day three
kelly ishmael:
bb day four - inside out (46/365)
kelly ishmael:
bb day five - all about light (53/365)
kelly ishmael:
bb day 6 - dreaming of spring (59/365)
kelly ishmael:
bb day 6 - grandma's camera
kelly ishmael:
bb7 - kk_acechairs_kai edit
kelly ishmael:
bb day 8 - soft matte finish
kelly ishmael:
bb day 8 - chalkboard art
kelly ishmael:
afternoon visitors layout
kelly ishmael:
bb - day nine
kelly ishmael:
BB day nine (take 2)
kelly ishmael:
BB day 10
kelly ishmael:
bb day 11
kelly ishmael:
kelly ishmael:
kelly ishmael:
2B - day fourteen
kelly ishmael:
B2 - lesson14
kelly ishmael:
2BD15 - i collect
kelly ishmael:
2bd17 - before and after
kelly ishmael:
kelly ishmael:
2BD19_kk_openbeach_kai edit
kelly ishmael:
kelly ishmael:
my manifesto
kelly ishmael:
2BD22 - focus and blur
kelly ishmael:
kelly ishmael: