LLF archives2: National League All Stars 1977
LLF archives2: Mr Pibb Baseball Team 1977
LLF archives2: American League All Stars 1977 -1
LLF archives2: American League All Stars 1977 -3
LLF archives2: Dixie Youth Saints 1977
LLF archives2: National League All Stars 1977 -2
LLF archives2: Dixie Youth Pirates 1977
LLF archives2: Brookhaven All Star 1970s
LLF archives2: Kenneth Warren all star -1
LLF archives2: Kenneth Warren all star -2
LLF archives2: Blue and white caps All Stars 1974 -5
LLF archives2: Blue caps All-Stars 1974 -7
LLF archives2: Red and white caps all stars 1974 -3
LLF archives2: Solid Red Caps All Stars 1974 -1