LLF archives2: Copy for Dr Savage -1
LLF archives2: Copy for Dr Savage -2
LLF archives2: Copy for Mrs Virgil Case-2
LLF archives2: J E Drane and Children -1
LLF archives2: J E Drane and Children -2
LLF archives2: J E Drane and Children -3
LLF archives2: Mrs Curtis L Davis
LLF archives2: Mrs Robert L Beall -2
LLF archives2: Mrs Fred Hoggatt -2
LLF archives2: Mrs Rosa Hammack -2
LLF archives2: Emma Lee Cook and Baby -1
LLF archives2: Emma Lee Cook and Baby -2
LLF archives2: Mrs I W Dunigan and Son -1
LLF archives2: Mrs I W Dunigan and Son -2
LLF archives2: M Dickerson -1
LLF archives2: M Dickerson -2
LLF archives2: Mrs B H Douglas -1
LLF archives2: Mrs B H Douglas -2
LLF archives2: Mrs Robert Allen
LLF archives2: Mrs Roy Ezell -1
LLF archives2: Mrs Roy Ezell -2
LLF archives2: Mrs Roy Ezell -3
LLF archives2: A D Applewhite
LLF archives2: Mrs C D Bush -1
LLF archives2: Mrs C D Bush -2
LLF archives2: Mrs Robert Beall -1
LLF archives2: Mrs Robert Beall -2
LLF archives2: Mrs Robert Beall -3
LLF archives2: Mrs Robert Ray Beasley -1
LLF archives2: Mrs Robert Ray Beasley -2