LLF archives2: Men's meeting 1949 -1
LLF archives2: Men's meeting 1949 -3
LLF archives2: Men's meeting 1949 -2
LLF archives2: Delethea Allen -1
LLF archives2: Delethea Allen -2
LLF archives2: Mighty Stars of Joy
LLF archives2: Harmonzing King -1
LLF archives2: Harmonzing King -2
LLF archives2: Turnbough and Monroe Winston -1
LLF archives2: Turnbough and Monroe Winston -2
LLF archives2: Copy Made for Rev Landrum
LLF archives2: Brookhaven Evening Lion's Club-1
LLF archives2: Brookhaven Evening Lion's Club-2
LLF archives2: Brookhaven Evening Lion's Club-3
LLF archives2: Brookhaven Evening Lion's Club-4
LLF archives2: Brookhaven Evening Lion's Club-5