Piro Patton: Bad Idea
Piro Patton: square breast
Piro Patton: IMG_5405
Piro Patton: The Hotel gig
Piro Patton: Near there
Piro Patton: morning
Piro Patton: bolinas lagoon
Piro Patton: IMG_5546
Piro Patton: fat petal sandwich
Piro Patton: Magnolia blossom
Piro Patton: surfers overlook
Piro Patton: blossom
Piro Patton: she and me
Piro Patton: Lucian
Piro Patton: The Hotel gig
Piro Patton: 19132_1216123004550_1273080551_30569846_6535714_s
Piro Patton: Trees and Islands
Piro Patton: Above Agate
Piro Patton: China Town
Piro Patton: iphone_pic
Piro Patton: 18632_1218966995648_1273080551_30575403_1336530_s
Piro Patton: The Zen Shack
Piro Patton: flower dead upon the road
Piro Patton: Linda's Gift
Piro Patton: Abbotts