**oana**: Sunset
**oana**: "Winter, a lingering season, is a time to gather golden moments, embark upon a sentimental journey, and enjoy every idle hour."
**oana**: Magic sunset
**oana**: Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.”
**oana**: “The depth of darkness to which you can descend and still live is an exact measure of the height to which you can aspire to reach.”
**oana**: I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
**oana**: Each moment is a place you've never been.
**oana**: “Dreams are matters of the heart, things that pull you along as if they have hooked you someplace deep inside.”
**oana**: the wait...
**oana**: Dark and stormy
**oana**: Reflections
**oana**: Twilight
**oana**: At the End of the Day
**oana**: All great changes are preceded by chaos.
**oana**: November Sunset
**oana**: Sunset
**oana**: “May it be a light to you in dark places, when all other lights go out.”
**oana**: Good Bye 2013
**oana**: “We have to dare to be ourselves, however frightening or strange that self may prove to be.”
**oana**: Sunset in the City
**oana**: "Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky."
**oana**: “Memories, even your most precious ones, fade surprisingly quickly. But I don’t go along with that. The memories I value most, I don’t ever see them fading.”
**oana**: Silence
**oana**: “The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.”
**oana**: August Sunset
**oana**: Beautiful Light