Flickr: Northern Lights - Photos from Flickr Social
Flickr: Weekly Snapshot with Flickr Social - 10/11/24
...milo...: vs Burnt Hills-74
econguy53: The Watchman under the Milky Way
VRS WILDLIFE PHOTOGRAPHY: White-tailed eagle (backlit)
Scott Sessions: An Eastern Screech Owl (Gray Morph) 30 minutes after sunset.
Scott Sessions: Momma Great Horned Owl and her two owlets.
Scott Sessions: Male Great Horned Owl
Scott Sessions: Female Barred Owl
Scott Sessions: Juvenile peregrine falcon.
Scott Sessions: Juvenile Bald Eagle with an icy backdrop..
Scott Sessions: Bald Eagle with fish
NYGolfer: Blad Eagle in flight
NYGolfer: Blad Eagle
henryhensel: 290A3136
christianeleouet1: Osprey sunset......
Bernard Fabbro: balbuzard pêcheur / osprey 24L_3197
Terry Carew: Chanting Goshawk Hunting Weavers
Catimini79: Tiny fairy
Octobre16th: Traquet familier - Familiar Chat
Octobre16th: Camaroptère à dos gris - Grey-backed Camaroptera
henryhensel: ein badegast
timvermicon: Red Fox Amblin' by..
timvermicon: Summer Evening Strix Varia
Claire Dumont et Pierre Rainville: Macreuse à bec jaune / Black Scoter / (Melanitta americana)