The Original Turtle: Not the traditional cheesebox picture of kits
The Original Turtle: Alice, GJ145, and the ARBA hat for the SMO kits
The Original Turtle: Alice's kits take over the world
The Original Turtle: One of Alice's kits
The Original Turtle: Hello! I'm a future giant wabbit!
The Original Turtle: Kits everywhere!
The Original Turtle: Rudy doesn't know what to do
The Original Turtle: That's a lot of kits
The Original Turtle: Kits exploring everything
The Original Turtle: They just met the world a week ago when their eyes opened
The Original Turtle: They seem tiny right now, but...
The Original Turtle: Seriously, you want a giant wabbit
The Original Turtle: They're terribly curious
The Original Turtle: You don't know it yet, but you want a future giant wabbit
The Original Turtle: Brak is checking you out
The Original Turtle: No, he's not dead
The Original Turtle: More kits to meet
The Original Turtle: Brak meets one of his kits
The Original Turtle: Hi! Can I help you?