The Original Turtle: Pouncervision
The Original Turtle: Something interesting in the side pocket
The Original Turtle: Guts, guts, guts
The Original Turtle: That's the problem... you have to watch these things all the time
The Original Turtle: Pretty good cat!
The Original Turtle: Applefest
The Original Turtle: grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....
The Original Turtle: Wore them both out
The Original Turtle: Notice that they're in the same pose
The Original Turtle: Ralph, gazhausted
The Original Turtle: That's quite an underbite
The Original Turtle: Check these guts, man...
The Original Turtle: We wore him out
The Original Turtle: This is the big promo shot
The Original Turtle: The diesel getting a soaker
The Original Turtle: Yes, lots of water
The Original Turtle: Stormware
The Original Turtle: A hummingbird in silhouette during the storm
The Original Turtle: The Ohio River
The Original Turtle: Bridge over the Ohio river