NachtPedalQuilts: NachtPedalQuilts #The 12 Bowlegged Curvey Bees
Lizinnie: für Kerstin
capitolaquilter: #beesewcial 14.5"x15" my second block for @entropyalwayswins March theme "Layers" in this fabulous palette. Play along using #inspiredbybeesewcial and catch up on the monthly challenges outlined on my bee-mates blog posts. @marci_girl @spontaneousthreads
capitolaquilter: All together and ready to mail @shecanquilt November #beesewcial #inspiredbybeesewcial #improvpiecing saturated happy blocks
hohenbrunnerquilterin: Journal cover
monaw2008: für Kerstin
berlinquilter: Yeah! Slowly getting there! @windhamfabrics @iadorepattern #goodhairdayfabric #windhamfabrics
hohenbrunnerquilterin: Back of my City Sampler Quilt
kylaparker: Geeeeeese!!!! Not done, but my machine is running Hot and the temperature both in my sewing room and outside keep rising... 38 degrees outside, 30 degrees in my sewing room. Calling it a day for now... #geeseobsessed #flyinggeese #jeliquiltspattern #pape
sternwerfer*: Simple Quilt vorne
ompompali Claudia: Butterfly Bunting
jenjohnston: Handcrafted Triangles: Quilting
KingaIzabella: Bartholo-meow´s Star quilt
{Angela D}: Oliver & S Ice Cream dress
jenjohnston: Rainbow Basket
sternwerfer*: Happy Easter Quilt
jenjohnston: Pincushion
marzipanchen: New WIP - Space dust quilt (mini version)
_name_taken_: Somerset Star in progress
Malu2711: A new pillow for my couch
kelbysews: Quilt top 2 for @saraerose done! I guess I'm on a roll today! Love @carolynfriedlander Botaniccs! This one looks even better in person!
ompompali Claudia: Liberty Love - sewing machine cover for a vintage Pfaff sewing machine
marzipanchen: i am finally on IG as marzipanchenberlin !
Floh.Stiche: Swappen auf Deutsch - meine fertigen Blöcke
clothwork: Pineapple Quilt In Progress...
Andrea @ Quiltmanufaktur: Quiltmanufaktur Tula Pink German City Sampler QAL Blöcke 36-55
TheElvenGarden: Galaxies Quilt
lieblingsstück**: Scrappy Celestial Star
ayliN--Nilya: This is my First Block for #4x5modernquiltbee .... @brightlittlefish .... You will get the free Template soon for this block, if you want to make One Top
marzipanchen: a finish - small spiderweb pillow with vintage fabrics