bevscwelsh: The start!!
bevscwelsh: Rain in the Old Town Square
bevscwelsh: A walk down to Charles bridge.
bevscwelsh: Rain in the square
bevscwelsh: Mans best friend.
bevscwelsh: Empty benches.
bevscwelsh: The view from the castle steps, Prague.
bevscwelsh: The Lift.
bevscwelsh: checking the timetable
bevscwelsh: Staromestska, Prague
bevscwelsh: Lined Up!!
bevscwelsh: Lamp & Powder Tower
bevscwelsh: Two trams....
bevscwelsh: the old & the new
bevscwelsh: Traaam!!
bevscwelsh: Graffiti.
bevscwelsh: hot chocolate & a chat
bevscwelsh: Inside the Beer Museum
bevscwelsh: The Powder Tower.
bevscwelsh: empty tables
bevscwelsh: Ghosting underground.....
bevscwelsh: zebra noodle bar, Prague
bevscwelsh: He's late......
bevscwelsh: waiting on Charles Bridge
bevscwelsh: Night wanderings in Prague.
bevscwelsh: rainy night in Prague
bevscwelsh: The Night Market
bevscwelsh: bad habits
bevscwelsh: 200 shops
bevscwelsh: little yellow boats, Prague..