bethvrose: DSCF1264
bethvrose: DSCF1252
bethvrose: DSCF1231
bethvrose: Christmas12
bethvrose: Christmas6
bethvrose: GDB Tweed and CC'd Annie
bethvrose: Jolie, a ten month old golden/lab cross, in front of decorated Christmas greenery.
bethvrose: Jolie, a ten month old golden/lab cross, in front of a large wall that says Santa's List.
bethvrose: Jolie, a 10 month old golden/lab cross, laying in front of Christmas decorations.
bethvrose: Jolie, a 10 month old golden/lab cross, laying in front of Holiday decorations.
bethvrose: Jolie, a 10 month old golden/lab cross, in front of a white decorated Christmas tree.
bethvrose: Carol, a 4 month old Guide Dog puppy and her cat Casper, pause for a portrait.
bethvrose: Carol, a three and a half month old puppy Guide Dog Puppy, sleeping on her cat, Casper.