Provenance Online Project:
Stamp -- perforated: University of Pennsylvania
Provenance Online Project:
Ink Stamp from Penn Libraries AC7 B4356 .774p 1
Provenance Online Project:
Context image from Penn Libraries AC7 B4356 .774p 1
Provenance Online Project:
Ink Stamp from Penn Libraries Furness 59 Sh1 LrP 1878
Provenance Online Project:
Blind or Embossed Stamp from Penn Libraries Furness 59 Sh1 LrP 1878
Provenance Online Project:
Context image from Penn Libraries DA 33 F4 1761
Provenance Online Project:
Ink Stamp from Penn Libraries EC65 D8478 687h
Provenance Online Project:
Context image from Penn Libraries EC65 D8478 687h
Provenance Online Project:
Blind or Embossed Stamp from Penn Libraries EC65 D8478 687h
Provenance Online Project:
J. & J. Leighton, Brewer St.
Provenance Online Project:
Stamp of Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872)
Provenance Online Project:
Stamp of Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872)
Provenance Online Project:
Jean-Baptiste Huzard (1755-1838)
Provenance Online Project:
Jean-Baptiste Huzard (1755-1838)
Provenance Online Project:
Stenciled ownership mark of Nathaniel Ogle
Provenance Online Project:
Ownership stamp of baron Georges Cuvier (1769-1832)
Provenance Online Project:
Ownership stamp of baron Georges Cuvier (1769-1832)
Provenance Online Project:
Stamp of Philadelphia bookbinder Willman Spawn
Provenance Online Project:
Stamp of binders Lloyd, Wallis & Lloyd
Provenance Online Project:
Stamp of binder Francis Bedford (1799-1883)
Provenance Online Project:
Armorial stamp of Lionel Tollemache, Earl of Dysart (Helmingham Hall, Suffolk)
Provenance Online Project:
Stamp of binders Rivière & Son
Provenance Online Project:
Stamp used by the Biblioteca nazionale centrale di Firenze between 1737-1815
Provenance Online Project:
Stamp used by the Biblioteca nazionale centrale di Firenze between 1737-1815
Provenance Online Project:
Stamp recording the presentation of this book to the Royal Society by Henry Howard, 6th Duke of Norfolk (1628-1684)
Provenance Online Project:
Stamp recording the presentation of this book to the Royal Society by Henry Howard, 6th Duke of Norfolk (1628-1684)
Provenance Online Project:
Armorial stamp of Edward Bell Krumbhaar (1882-1966)
Provenance Online Project:
Stamp of the Stockton-Hough Library
Provenance Online Project:
Stamp and inscription from the Carthusian library at the Reichskartause Buxheim (Buxheim Charterhouse)
Provenance Online Project:
Stamp and inscription from the Carthusian library at the Reichskartause Buxheim (Buxheim Charterhouse)