chrisbooth40: Clipstone East junction
chrisbooth40: Clipstone West Jn No26 points
chrisbooth40: Clipstone West Jn No25 signal
chrisbooth40: Clipstone West Jn No25 signal (left) and No42 off for a train
chrisbooth40: Clipstone West Jn box
chrisbooth40: Clipstone South Jn. No24 signal left, 27 signal right
chrisbooth40: Clipstone South Jn. No27 signal left, 24 signal right
chrisbooth40: view towards Clipstone
chrisbooth40: former PWay and shunters cabins for Mansfield Concentration Sidings
chrisbooth40: Dog and Duck bridge
chrisbooth40: Dog & Duck bridge.
chrisbooth40: C19 signal at Clipstone South Jn
chrisbooth40: C19 signal
chrisbooth40: 106 points
chrisbooth40: 106 points
chrisbooth40: C214 signal plated as Semi Automatic
chrisbooth40: looking towards Clipstone
chrisbooth40: Theft of track near Mansfield Concentration Sidings
chrisbooth40: C212 signal remains
chrisbooth40: More track theft
chrisbooth40: Remains of 104 points
chrisbooth40: Yet more track theft
chrisbooth40: Remains of Rufford Junction Relay Room, totally stripped by thieves
chrisbooth40: Rufford Junction Relay room
chrisbooth40: Rufford Junction remains viewed towards Clipstone
chrisbooth40: Former junction for Ruffod Stock Site and Rufford Colliery(right)
chrisbooth40: Rufford Colliery Branch
chrisbooth40: 148 1/4 Milepost on Rufford Colliery branch viewed south
chrisbooth40: 148 1/4 Milepost on Rufford Colliery branch
chrisbooth40: 148 1/4 Milepost on Rufford Colliery branch viewed north