kfpsardou: Not far from Abiqui
kfpsardou: Pointing at the sky
kfpsardou: Abiqui Lake
kfpsardou: Pondscape, with four Flat-Coats
kfpsardou: Peering down the channel at Po
kfpsardou: Po, down the channel
kfpsardou: Dreamscape, in clouds
kfpsardou: Another view across Pastorius
kfpsardou: Lake Pastorius impression
kfpsardou: Empty corral
kfpsardou: Badlands overlook, Angel Peak
kfpsardou: 18/26 -- Badlands overlook
kfpsardou: The road to the Jicarilla Apache reservation
kfpsardou: Chamisa in bloom, along Highway 550