~DGH~: Light as Air
~DGH~: Summer Day Sunshine
~DGH~: Softly
~DGH~: The Dance
~DGH~: The Yellow House
~DGH~: Spring Pastels
~DGH~: Orange Lustre
~DGH~: Pinks
~DGH~: Daisy
~DGH~: Retro
~DGH~: Cosmos in Silver
~DGH~: Candy Pink
~DGH~: Hint of Yellow
~DGH~: Spider Mums
~DGH~: Hyacinth
~DGH~: Shadows
~DGH~: Clematis
~DGH~: Red Hots
~DGH~: Backstage
~DGH~: Falling Down Fence
~DGH~: Orleans and Royal
~DGH~: Spilled the Beans
~DGH~: Bait and Tackle
~DGH~: Frosted
~DGH~: Dark-eyed Beauty
~DGH~: Home Grain
~DGH~: A Road Well Travelled
~DGH~: Country Barn in January
~DGH~: Prairie Trio
~DGH~: Red Barn in Winter