LilyRomano: Fragrant Potpourri.
LilyRomano: Inspiring Beautiful Books.
LilyRomano: Luxurious Book by Easton Press.
LilyRomano: Easton Press Collector Editions.
LilyRomano: Love of Solitude.
LilyRomano: Bellagio Suite/ Las Vegas, Nevada.
LilyRomano: Jersey Pussy Willow.
LilyRomano: Cara's Fan.
LilyRomano: Very Special Chocolates!
LilyRomano: The Nut and The Cracker.
LilyRomano: Big and Small.
LilyRomano: Thankful for visitors who thoroughly enjoyed sunny California. I wish they didn't have to go back to their 48F rainy daytime UK weather...not yet.
LilyRomano: Hampton's Flag/ Ralph Lauren Mug
LilyRomano: Graphite for me, please.
LilyRomano: Classic Black~Ribboned Headband