m20wc51: My Dad,in his "office",1944
m20wc51: Ground crew, 385th BG
m20wc51: Ground crewman
m20wc51: 385th BG B17
m20wc51: B17 from the tail of another
m20wc51: 385th BG bomber,1944
m20wc51: Flak,1944
m20wc51: B17s in combat,1944
m20wc51: B17s in flight,1944
m20wc51: B17s in combat,1944
m20wc51: From the tailgunners seat,1944
m20wc51: 385th BG B17s in flight,1944
m20wc51: Great Ashfield, 385th BG airfield
m20wc51: Bombs Away,1944
m20wc51: B17 Tailgunner
m20wc51: Tailgunner,1944
m20wc51: Dad
m20wc51: Medium_Format_01_030
m20wc51: Quonset hut,1944
m20wc51: B17 Ball Turret
m20wc51: B17 Ball Turret gunner,1944
m20wc51: My Dad,1944
m20wc51: Air crew
m20wc51: Another crewman
m20wc51: crewmember
m20wc51: Business end
m20wc51: MP,1944 200th mission party
m20wc51: Carnival game
m20wc51: 200th mission Carnival, Oct.1944
m20wc51: Guard duty,1944