Photalizer: pray to mother ganga
Photalizer: on the street
Photalizer: take a rest
Photalizer: fisherman
Photalizer: man with tank
Photalizer: old woman
Photalizer: old baba
Photalizer: beside the railway line
Photalizer: gangeswater can be used to brush teeth in the morning
Photalizer: clouded baba
Photalizer: rupie rupie
Photalizer: reading the news
Photalizer: teatime
Photalizer: sadhu
Photalizer: mother with child
Photalizer: in a tearing hurry
Photalizer: out of the window
Photalizer: busride
Photalizer: meditation
Photalizer: little babu
Photalizer: at the rooftop
Photalizer: sadhu II
Photalizer: thirsty
Photalizer: Gecko