Jenny Thynne:
Barn Owl - Tyto alba
Jenny Thynne:
Mistletoe Bird - Dicaeum hirundinaceum
Jenny Thynne:
Splendid Fairy Wren - Malurus splendens
Jenny Thynne:
Splendid Fairy Wren - Malurus splendens
Jenny Thynne:
Bower of Western Bowerbird - Chlamydera guttata
Jenny Thynne:
Ellery Creek Big Hole, Central Australia
Jenny Thynne:
Australian native bee - Megachile (Eutricharaea) cf. darwiniana f
Jenny Thynne:
Australian Native Bee - Amegilla species
Jenny Thynne:
Australian native bee - Megachile (Eutricharaea) macularis
Jenny Thynne:
Pink-eared Duck - Melacorhyncus membranaceus
Jenny Thynne:
Cycads, Ellery Creek Big Hole
Jenny Thynne:
Budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus) and Zebra Finches (Taeniopygia guttata)
Jenny Thynne:
Painted Finches - Emblema pictum
Jenny Thynne:
Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater - Acanthagenys rufogularis
Jenny Thynne:
Major Mitchell Cockatoo - Cacatua leadbeateri
Jenny Thynne:
Glen Helen Gorge, Central Australia
Jenny Thynne:
Mulga Parrot - Psephotus varius
Jenny Thynne:
Australian Native Bee - Lipotriches (Austronomia) species
Jenny Thynne:
Unidentified Bee Fly
Jenny Thynne:
Rock isotome - Isotoma petraea
Jenny Thynne:
Ormiston Gorge, Central Australia
Jenny Thynne:
View of West MacDonnell Ranges from Redbank Gorge Lookout
Jenny Thynne:
View of West MacDonnell Ranges from Redbank Gorge Lookout
Jenny Thynne:
View of West MacDonnell Ranges from Redbank Gorge Lookout
Jenny Thynne:
Tnorala (Gosse Bluff), Central Australia
Jenny Thynne:
Cuckoo bee - Thyreus waroonensis
Jenny Thynne:
Poached Egg Daisy - Myriocephalus stuartii
Jenny Thynne:
Crusader Bug - Mictis profana
Jenny Thynne:
Unidentified Australian Native Bee
Jenny Thynne:
Australian Native Bee - Hylaeus (Prosopisteron) chlorosomus