seeviewer: Magic Underwear
seeviewer: We like publicity
seeviewer: This place is great!
seeviewer: I am not the only one.
seeviewer: Magic for the Ladies
seeviewer: I better get out of here
seeviewer: Hoax?
seeviewer: Jabba the Rush
seeviewer: I regret to inform you that...
seeviewer: It is the natural way
seeviewer: This stuff works
seeviewer: We're to big to fail!
seeviewer: Hannitzing a nation...
seeviewer: Palin Underworld
seeviewer: I thought so
seeviewer: These are loaded!
seeviewer: No, I do not sparkle in sunlight.
seeviewer: Romney was here
seeviewer: The magical vanishing industries.
seeviewer: I could crush you like a bug
seeviewer: Fixed News Channel
seeviewer: Mitt was there?
seeviewer: It's what they do...
seeviewer: fiat currency
seeviewer: If you have to ask what it costs...
seeviewer: Strip Club Gold
seeviewer: Mitt's worth it
seeviewer: The social contract
seeviewer: voo doo economics
seeviewer: So what if they're made in China