Laura Lea: Threads of Thought shapes ready for stitching from my eldest
Laura Lea: Threads of Thought from eldest granddaughter mobile finished
Laura Lea: Threads of Thought from eldest granddaughter finished
Laura Lea: Threads of Thought shapes ready for stitching from my youngest grandchild
Laura Lea: Lainey's stencils
Laura Lea: Lainey's horse
Laura Lea: Lainey painting shapes
Laura Lea: Lainey painting
Laura Lea: Keira's stencils with paint
Laura Lea: Keira's shapes
Laura Lea: Keira's hands moving
Laura Lea: Keira splattering paint
Laura Lea: Keira splatter blooms wet on wet
Laura Lea: Keira splatter bloom
Laura Lea: Keira painting shapes
Laura Lea: Keira painting
Laura Lea: Keira making splatter dots