Laura Lea: a blue and white striped heart with shells and Terry the Terrier from Aranzi Aronzo pattern
Laura Lea: a blue and white heart and terrier
Laura Lea: Look what arrived from TX yesterday!
Laura Lea: Green Wellies postcard arrived!
Laura Lea: another postcard from jee whiz
Laura Lea: package arrived!
Laura Lea: A weeks worth of mail, just had time to photograph during granddaughter's nap today
Laura Lea: The pony brought a package
Laura Lea: New Brunswick package arrived!
Laura Lea: Two women's thoughtfulness made my dining room cheerful today
Laura Lea: snail mail from Green Wellies (more on mantle photos)
Laura Lea: Green Wellies postcards on mantle
Laura Lea: jee whiz feather postcard and Green Wellies' bird postcard are displayed on my mantle
Laura Lea: from Janet
Laura Lea: a gift
Laura Lea: a gift from Huguette