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snail mailed by Laura Lea
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Laura Lea
a blue and white striped heart with shells and Terry the Terrier from Aranzi Aronzo pattern
Laura Lea
a blue and white heart and terrier
Laura Lea
Look what arrived from TX yesterday!
Laura Lea
Green Wellies postcard arrived!
Laura Lea
another postcard from jee whiz
Laura Lea
package arrived!
Laura Lea
A weeks worth of mail, just had time to photograph during granddaughter's nap today
Laura Lea
The pony brought a package
Laura Lea
New Brunswick package arrived!
Laura Lea
Two women's thoughtfulness made my dining room cheerful today
Laura Lea
snail mail from Green Wellies (more on mantle photos)
Laura Lea
Green Wellies postcards on mantle
Laura Lea
jee whiz feather postcard and Green Wellies' bird postcard are displayed on my mantle
Laura Lea
from Janet
Laura Lea
a gift
Laura Lea
a gift from Huguette