Laura Lea: Barb's pillow
Laura Lea: son and granddaughter
Laura Lea: books on side table
Laura Lea: side table
Laura Lea: self portrait of sorts
Laura Lea: life is a bowl of cherries
Laura Lea: dish drain this am
Laura Lea: book I'm rereading, I've got mail and rose petals drying
Laura Lea: the rise and breath of yeast in bread is amazing
Laura Lea: homemade whole wheat bread
Laura Lea: My childhood book
Laura Lea: childhood book favorite illustration by Tasha Tudor in The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett
Laura Lea: oak tree
Laura Lea: empanadas
Laura Lea: a bunch of roses from my garden in a jar on the kitchen counter
Laura Lea: September
Laura Lea: a living room again
Laura Lea: a comfy chair which I shall sit in when I get my work done today
Laura Lea: a place for summer's rose petals
Laura Lea: a side table's curly legs frame my milkglass vase collection
Laura Lea: a day to make time to find my true north
Laura Lea: Look, Mrs L I made you a fairy
Laura Lea: Autumn bowl full of Possibilities and potential
Laura Lea: Autumn October pairing fabric bowl and maple leaves, seeing the sacred in the ordinary
Laura Lea: white chrysanthemums, asters, milkglass with color saturation diminished
Laura Lea: white hobnail milkglass with white chrysanthemums and white asters
Laura Lea: Needed a new medicine bag so made this owl today
Laura Lea: New Medicine Bag hanging on my Rosemary
Laura Lea: new Owl Medicine bag